Submitting a manuscript to the editor, the author undertakes not to publish it, either in whole or in part, in any other publication without the consent of the editor.
Submitting a manuscript to the editor, the author confirms that:
- the manuscripts described has not been published previously;
- that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else;
- that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, and agree with its publication in the journal “Sociology of Power”.
Authors must enter into an author's agreement with the journal. The editors accept materials up to 2 pages in volume (80 thousand characters with spaces) in Microsoft Word format (.doc, .rtf). The article package includes:
- title of the article in Russian and English (no more than 12 words);
- keywords in Russian and English (no more than 10);
- abstract in Russian and English (about 200-250 words);
- author's name in Russian and English;
- information about the author (authors): the last name, first name, academic degree, title, place of work, email address and area of scientific interests, ORCID.