For authors
The journal "Sociology of Power" publishes original articles, reviews, translations, interviews and reviews on social sciences and related fields of knowledge in Russian and English.

Submitting a manuscript to the editor, the author undertakes not to publish it, either in whole or in part, in any other publication without the consent of the editor.

Submitting a manuscript to the editor, the author confirms that:
  • the manuscripts described has not been published previously;
  • that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else;
  • that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, and agree with its publication in the journal “Sociology of Power”.
Violations can cause the rejection of the manuscripts. If violations come to light after publication, the editor reserves the right for its retraction.

Authors must enter into an author's agreement with the journal. The editors accept materials up to 2 pages in volume (80 thousand characters with spaces) in Microsoft Word format (.doc, .rtf). The article package includes:
  • title of the article in Russian and English (no more than 12 words);
  • keywords in Russian and English (no more than 10);
  • abstract in Russian and English (about 200-250 words);
  • author's name in Russian and English;
  • information about the author (authors): the last name, first name, academic degree, title, place of work, email address and area of scientific interests, ORCID.

Requirements for the format of articles
Publication is free. No royalties are paid.

Please note that all issues of the journal are thematic, and therefore you should offer articles that correspond to the topics of the upcoming issues. Recommended length of articles: 30,000 - 40,000 characters. Languages: Russian and English.

The editors accept materials in Microsoft Word format (.doc, .docx, .rtf). All materials must be sent in one file. The file name is the surname of the first author in Latin. For questions about the journal and the procedure for submitting articles, please contact Anton Smolkin ( and Ivan Napreenko (
Essential elements of a publication
  • Type of article (original research article, review article etc.);
  • Last name and initials of the author (co-authors)
  • Article title, abstract and keywords
  • Introduction
  • Main part
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Information about financing (if there is no financing, note “This study received no external funding”)
  • Abstract in Russian and English (with translation of the name of the author (co-authors) and the title of the article) (no less than 200 and no more than 250 words)
  • Biographical information about the author in Russian and English (last name, first name, patronymic, degree, title, position, place of work, city, scientific interests, email).
  1. In the text, when citing a source, it is necessary to indicate in square brackets the name of the author, the year of publication and the page when citing: [Mitina, Petrovsky 2004: 20].
  2. 2. If one author published several works in the same year, then the letter a, b, c, d, etc. is added to the year: [Latour 2009a: 73].
  3. If the article does not have an author, then instead of the author’s name the name of the source is indicated: [Dichotomy of the Gerontological Situation 2006: 12].
  4. If references to one article are repeated nearby, then in the second case and further, instead of the author’s name, it is written [Ibid: 35]. In the case of English-language sources: [Ibid.: 105].
  5. A link to several sources should be given as required, described above, separated by a semicolon: [Ankersmit 2004; Laclau 2009].
Links to non-author Internet sources, regulatory documents, statistical collections, etc. should be cited in footnotes and not included in the list of references.
Bibliography design
Each article must contain a bibliography listing all references mentioned in the article, according to APA 7th Edition (

The “Bibliography/References” section begins with Russian-language sources, the title of each one is translated into English and duplicated under the original (see example below). It is necessary to use the translation of the names of Russian-language journals that was recommended by the publications themselves (for example, Sociological Review = Russian Sociological Review). The names of foreign authors in article translated into Russian should not be transliterated, but written in original language (for example, Weber, not Veber). The title of a book, magazine or collection should be written in italics.

Sample design of a Russian-language source with a duplicate translation into English
Vakhshtayn, V. S. (2005). The return of materiality: «spaces», «networks» and «fluids» in actor-network theory. Russian Sociological Review, 4(1), 94-115.

Book or monograph
Filippov, A. F. (2008). Sociology of space. Vladimir Dal.
Goffman, E. (1986). Frame analysis: an essay on the organization of experience. Northeastern University Press.

Article in the collection
Simmel, G. (2006). Handle. Aesthetic experience (pp. 43–47). In Wachstein V. S. (Ed.) Sociology of things. Publishing house “Territory of the Future”.
Bertilsson, M. (1990). The Welfare State, the Professions and Citizens (pp. 114–133). In Torstendahl R., Burrage M. (Eds.) The Formation of Profession Knowledge, State and Strategy. Sage.

Journal article
Weber, M. (1988). Charismatic dominance. Sociological Research, (5), 139–150.
Yin, R. (1994). Case Study Research: Design and Methods. Applied Social Research Methods, 5(1), 93-101.
Graphic materials
If the text contains pictures (graphs, diagrams, etc.), then the text must contain a link in parentheses to each of them. For example: At some polling stations, voting was organized fundamentally differently (Fig. 1).

The caption under the figure should look like this: “Fig. 1. Voting is like a carnival.” All captions to figures and tables must be duplicated in English.
Copyright Rights
The author grants the journal “Sociology pf Power” the right to publish the article and to indicate it as the original publisher. All articles are published in open access under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY) license. The CC BY license allows the author to retain copyright and allows for a wide range of reuse, provided that the original article is cited

The journal also welcomes the “green route” of open access, i.e., the authors' placement of preprints and postprints of articles in institutional repositories and other platforms. Special attention should be paid to resources such as PreprintsSocArXiv, and SSRN. The placement of data sets used in the article (with appropriate links) on resources such as Figshare and Mendely Data is also welcomed.
Privacy Statement
Specified data when registering the names and addresses will be used solely for technical purposes of contacting the Author or reviewers (editors) when preparing the article for publication. Private data will not be shared with other individuals and organizations.